Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back to School!

Is it that time already?  Apparently so!  Some are happy, some are sad.  Either way, it is an important milestone in your child's life & a perfect time to document their little lives!  Keep your eye out for Back to School Mini-Sessions... more than likely one of the first couple of weekends in August. 

Tea Party

Ever since I spotted this table at my mother-in-law's house, thoughts of this session have been dancing in my head.  What little girl doesn't love tea parties?  I wanted to sit down & join them, but then I wouldn't have been doing my job!  The dresses Emma & Anna-Beth are wearing were their great-grandmother's pillowcases. 

Be on the lookout.... I plan to have a tea party mini-session in the near future.  I am waiting for school to start & see how that routine is going to go before I mark a day out on the calendar.  

All about Emma

My baby girl is a firecracker~ always keeping me on my toes.  She has her daddy's beautiful blue eyes that are windows to her soul.  I wish you could catch the glimmer in them when she flashes her infectious smile.  She loves all things chocolate and will empty a bowl of oatmeal as long as I put a few minature chocolate chips in it.  Her giggle is divine & her belly laugh reminds me of her great-grandmother.  She gives the best hugs & fish face kisses.  And this girl loves her brother.  She takes every step he takes and wants to know where he is most every moment of the day.  Everytime she is away from him, she asks about Bubba.  At the drs. office, she will ask the receptionist for "Bubba tickers too?" 

Wyatt turned into a picky eater around the age Emma is now, so I've tried to always offer her a little bit of everything to keep her from shying away from new foods. 

 If you know Emma, she knows what she likes & she won't have much else.  I had offered her corn on several different occassions prior to this night.  I guess the difference was we left it on the cob that night and it looked MUCH MORE FUN to eat it that way.  I could see her eyes light up... she must have been thinking "What's Mommy & Daddy doing eating with their hands?!?  I've got to get in on this!"  

She pointed to my corn & asked for it.  I thought she'd give it one look & dismiss it.  Boy was I wrong!  She loved it & devoured every last kernel.  The lesson I'm taking from this is the next time I try to give her a "new" food is to make it look fun!  Sell it!  I may try to experiment tomorrow with heart shaped PBJ sandwiches.  She love PB, but is not so fond of bread.  Whichever way it goes, it should make for some interesting pictures! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mid-year review! More posts to come!

I've been going thru pictures from last year and earlier this year.  This day was a few weeks shy of Wyatt's 5th birthday.  I can't ever get pictures of him without silly faces or crossed eyes... so you can imagine my excitement when I walked by & spotted him sitting quietly at the kitchen table.  I entered the kitchen and stood there for a moment just soaking him in.  I said something to him and he didn't respond.  It dawned on me that I should go get my camera and document his intensity of concentration!  I moved closer & closer and he never even knew I was there.  I love this little boy with all of my heart.... from that sweet profile & jet black hair... to his lush eyelashes (yes, I'm jealous)...to the dimples in his little hands... all the way to his feet that no longer fit in the palm of my hand. 

My suggestion to moms everywhere today... Take a moment to study your child when they don't realize you are watching.  It's amazing!  This is God's creation... sitting at my kitchen table.  How Blessed I am to be his mom! 

Psalm 139:13-14 NIV
13 For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.